顾方, 刘世龙, 李红胜, 倪冬娇, 王丽, 徐晓明, 吴善森, 靳振豪, 杨雪芬, 蒋宗勇
Effects of Low Protein Diet Supplemented with-Fermented Canola Meal on Growth Performance and Meat Quality of Finishing Pigs
GU Fang, LIU Shilong, LI Hongsheng, NI Dongjiao, WANG Li, XU Xiaoming, WU Shansen, JIN Zhenhao, YANG Xuefen, JIANG Zongyong
动物营养学报 . 2023, (3): 1489 -1500 .  DOI: 10.12418/CJAN2023.141